The Sims 4 Get to Work Review – Sims Online

8 / 10 stars
The Sims 4 Get to Work is the very first Expansion Pack that is released for The Sims 4. This expansion pack puts playable careers into the spotlight with the Doctor, Detective and the Scientist career. Each of these career contains unique new features to explore in your game. For example with the Doctor career you are able to make house calls and deliver (Alien) baby’s while in the Scientist career your main focus is to invent and create serums. One big extra feature that is included in this expansion are Aliens. Create Aliens directly in Create a Sim or meet them by going to their home planet: Sixam or even in your own neighborhood!
There’s a lot of new content to explore. When you enter the game with your created Sim you don’t know where to start and what career path you are going to try out first. Maybe after this review you have a good insight what to expect from each career to make your choice easier if you decide to purchase this expansion.
Run a cute Bakery or start a luxurious Wedding Boutique
When you go to the new neighborhood, Magnolia Promenade, there are 3 pre-made stores to choose from. You can also start a business by building your own store. Create any store you like! Wedding boutiques that sells wedding cakes and dresses or maybe an electronics store that sells televisions and kitchen appliances or even a cute Bakery. If you are running your Retail Business properly, you can earn a lot of Simoleons. Building a retail store can take many hours but managing the store can take far more hours. Hire employees and level up their retail skills by giving them assignments in the store. When they are slacking off you can berate them to increase their Work Ethic.
Every action in your store will earn your Sim some Perk Points. Spend them to increase sales, decoration or hire more employees. You can also create a large household and let them all work in the store. Free employees! The only thing missing in the Retail Business is the feature to serve tables if you are selling food.
The new Photography and Baking skill are nice additions for opening up a retail store. With the Photography skill you can setup a Photo Studio and take group photo’s or portrait’s from other Sim that come by your store. Hang them on the wall of your store to sell them. You can also choose to make family pictures or selfies to hang on your wall at home. The Baking skill adds a LOT of new recipes to bake in the oven or in the Cupcake machine. At a certain level you can also put toppings on baked goods to improve their quality.
Play Good Cop, Bad Cop in the Detective Career
the Detective career is the most ‘realistic’ career added in this expansion. You start out as a Cadet and help out Senior Detectives with their cases. Go to the crime scene and find clues, collect evidence and analyze them on the Computer back at the Police Station. Even at the start of this career you’ll do small but interesting actions by escorting prisoners from their cell and take their mugshots, fingerprints and search them too see if they have toy Llama’s or knifes with them. Unfortunately when you’re in the middle of a case and your work day is over it will end immediately and you’ll get send back to your home and have to wait for you next workday to continue your case.
While you are leveling up in this career, you’ll get more responsibilities on cases so the workdays keeps getting more interesting. Find hidden clues on crime scenes, arrest suspects and interrogate them in the interrogation room. Figure out whether to play good cop or bad cop, or maybe convince the suspect to confess by showing them the gathered evidence.
Meet Aliens in the Scientist Career
The Scientist career offers the most variety with things to do of all active careers added in this expansion. This career is based on breakthroughs to unlock new inventions and serums. Getting a breakthrough can happen at the weirdest moments during the day like digging up rocks or even taking a shower. Most of the inventions you will unlock are also usable outside the Science Lab to mess with other Sims life. A great example is the Sim Ray, you can actually freeze other Sim, make Sims panic or instantly let them sleep. Another invention is the Wormhole Generator what looks like a portal, this is the invention you can use to go to the new Alien world; Sixam to meet Aliens.
Another interesting feature is creating Serums in the Science Lab. Serums look a little bit like the herbal remedies that came with The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat game pack. You create serums to improve the life of your Sim by leveling up skills, become best friends with the Grim Reaper or even reset your Sims’ current age.
Discover Hilarious Diseases in the Doctor Career
Just like in real life, being a Doctor is a very stressful career. This isn’t actually a good thing within a game. You’ll get the feeling you run the whole Hospital on your own. When you try to focus more on your goals instead of your patients, it’s getting a little better and less stressful. But if you are a perfectionist and try to treat all patients, this career may not be the best choice for you in this expansion pack. However, playing the Doctor career can really make you laugh while discovering funny diseases like Itchy Plumbobs and seeing some hilarious animations while operating on patients.
Most of The Sims players will choose the Doctor career so they can determine the sex of the baby before it is born and deliver the baby from pregnant female (or male) Sims. This option gets unlocked at level 6.
Sul sul! (Hello in Simlish)
Meet Aliens in The Sims 4 Get to Work! This is one is the big features added in the new expansion. Create them directly into Create a Sim, meet them on their home planet or discover them disguised as a Sim in your neighborhood. The customization options for the Aliens are limited because they don’t have hair or normal clothes to wear. However, the make-up options are amazing! You can choose from a wide variety of full face make-up or even extraterrestrial tatoos. The Aliens are truly out of this world amazing!
The Alien world looks even more beautiful. The world is full with glowing extraterrestrial trees, plants, grass that gives it a magical look. To get there you can go through the Wormhole Generator you can create in the Scientist career or build a Rocket Ship and travel to Sixam. This really is the place to make the best and the most beautiful screenshots in game. Collect Geodes, the new collectibles that comes with this expansion pack.
The Verdict
When you are familiar with The Sims games this is probably the expansion you where waiting for. It gives you many hours, weeks and maybe months of gameplay and 4 very different careers paths to choose from. It makes The Sims 4 so much more interesting and dynamic then before. The Sims Team did a very great job and they really listened to the players. If they can keep up with this level when releasing new expansion packs, this could be the best Sims series of all times.
- Detective, Scientist and Doctor careers gives the feeling of a story progression.
- The Alien world looks magical with glowing extraterrestrial surroundings.
- There are many options to customize your retail store.
- Workdays for active careers feels too short.
- You can’t serve tables at your bakery to make it work like a restaurant.
- There are no cheats to get more Perk Points for your Retail Store.
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