Simmers have been asking for them for years now: Bunk beds! A rather basic feature usually added in a pack similar to the Parenthood Game Pack. However, The Sims 4 kept us waiting patiently quite some time longer. But, today is the day! At long last bunk beds are a part of The Sims 4 Base Game.
How do Bunk Beds work?
There are two types of bunk beds you can buy for your Sims. You can either buy the regular bunk beds with one bed above the other, or you can choose a loft bed and switch out the objects underneath. At first the loft beds didn’t function properly, but luckily the issues got addressed in the May patch later on.
The lower bed can be switched out for any other single bed. These beds will slot together with the loft bed to become one item when you move them around in Build Mode. After the update other items such as a desk or a couch can also be placed underneath the loft bed. No cheats needed!

Change the Ladders
At first you could only pick the side of the ladder by placing a bunk bed near a wall. While that still works, you can now also decide for yourself even if you place the bed in an open space.
Here is how:
- Go to the bed catalog of Build & Buy and select the bed you want to use. Then click on the color swatches of the object.
- Now a cogwheel will appear on the left of the color swatches, click on it to activate custom ladders. The cogwheel has changed into a wrench and customization options will appear. You can toggle off the customization by clicking the wrench icon.
- Choose the ladder type you want to use and proceed as usual; Pick a color swatch and place the bed where you want it. Easy peasy.