Need assistance in your garden? Don’t worry, be hoppy! Rabbits are the perfect little helpers and can only be found in Henford-on-Bagley, the new world of The Sims 4 Cottage Living.
Where to Find Wild Bunnies
Travel to the Isle of Volpe Park in the Bramblewood neighborhood. This is easily the best place to spot bunnies hopping around in the wild. Once here, you can also search for small tree stumps around the area and try to lure any bunnies in there, one might just hop out to meet you! Upon meeting a bunny you’ll be able to name them, this is a great way to keep them apart.
Tip: Sometimes wild rabbits will visit your garden. Keep your eyes open for any visitors.

Get your Bunny Buddies to Help in the Garden
Rabbits are great at helping out in the garden! Higher your chances of a bunny appearing by unlocking and placing a wild rabbit home on your lot. The better your relationship with them, the more likely they’ll be to visit. While wild birds help out by eating pests, bunnies will eat the weeds growing on your plants. They might also fertilize your oversized crops. Sheesh, thanks… talk about bad manures.
Become Friends with Bunnies
Once you meet a bunny in the wild you can improve your relationship by using social interactions with them. You can also give them presents, but keep in mind each bunny has their own preferences of which type of gifts they like. You’ll be able to ask them about their favorites, which will appear when you hover over the bunny.
Sims with the Animal Enthusiast Trait will have an easier time befriending wild bunnies. They will also have more social interactions with them, such as Show Dance Move, Smother Wild Rabbit or even showing off your musical skills with your violin or guitar.
Beware: Having a bad relationship with the bunnies might have lethal consequences.

Make the Bunnies Show Up in your Garden
When your friendship level with the bunny is high enough, you can ask them to help out in your garden. You’ll unlock a wild rabbit home by befriending a wild rabbit. Place a bunny home on your lot to make your befriended bunnies appear more often. They will help you out by eating weeds and fertilizing crops.
Tip: Bunnies will not show up during heavy weather conditions if you have The Sims 4 Seasons installed.

How to Protect Innocent Bunnies from Foxes
Wild foxes will now and then visit your lot if you have the Wild Foxes lot challenge enabled. Foxes can be real meanies to the bunnies visiting the lot. They’ll jump the bunnies to start fights and might even end up killing them in the process. To prevent this from happening, you can buy a llama to guard your lot, have Sims chase away the foxes or befriend the fox.
You can also disable the Wild Foxes lot challenge as a whole. When you’re in Build Mode, open the Lot Traits menu in the upper left corner and click on the challenges icon (trophy). Here you can disable the challenge to stop wild foxes from appearing on your lot.

Receive Various Gifts from Bunnies
When you are good friends with a rabbit you can ask them for gifts. The rabbit will present you with any kind of collectibles. Think of things like fish, fruits or treats, but also new patterns for cross stitching.
Play Dress Up with your Bunnies
Every bunny your Sim has befriended can be clothed in the cutest outfits ever. Pick anything between full outfits or a subtle ribbon, it’s up to you! There are multiple ways to obtain animal clothing:
- Buy or trade animal clothes for llama wool with the Creature Keeper NPC in the Bramblewood neighborhood.
- Buy animal clothes at the Garden Shop in Finchwick.
- Get animal clothes as rewards for completed errands.
The assortment of clothes rotates each day, so make sure to come back often to collect all varieties.
Tip: Find the Creature Keeper NPC by clicking their house in Bramblewood forest and using the Focus Camera interaction.
List with Bunny names
When you click on your bunny you have the option to name her. We’ve made a list for you with inspiration for bunny names.
- Benjamin Bunny
- Biscuit
- Bugs Bunny
- Bun Affleck
- Bunny Buns
- Cinnabun
- Cottontail
- Flopsy
- Hazel
- Judy Hopps
- Jumposaurus Rex
- Lily
- Luke Skyhopper
- Obi Bun Kenobi
- Peter
- Rabbit Downey Jr.
- Scorbunny
- Bunnelby
- Snowflake
- Thumper

Death by Rabbit
If your Sim keeps taunting a bunny they have a bad relationship with it might end up attacking you. Perform mean interactions with them to anger the bunny, but be cautious; they might end up killing your Sim. Unless that’s what you want, of course…