Okay, as we all know by now the SimGurus have been dropping massive hints towards the upcoming Game Pack for The Sims 4. I am here to share my theory as to why I think PlantSims are making their permanent return to The Sims 4 franchise. As more hints present themselves, I’ll be adding them here for you Simmers so keep an eye on this article to stay up to date!
First of all, I want to really stress this is just a theory, but I like to jump into any hints the SimGurus give us. With my conspiracy theory for The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs teasing us The Sims 4 Seasons I was right, so let’s see if I am right again. Now let’s investigate the clues we have so far:
The crazy eyes and creepy grins
Let’s adress the crazy, most obvious hint first. The silly, but chilling new profile pictures which the SimGurus have been rocking on Twitter. Sims are acting all zombie-like, but SimGuru Lyndsay has confirmed this pack is NOT about zombies at all, as she states in this tweet:
can confirm…. they aren't zombies. I don't want to get too close.
— Lyndsay (@SimGuruLyndsay) February 19, 2019
However, something is clearly wrong with The Sims in the pictures. Something strange is happening to them and it seems to be some sort of mindcontrol. Both Aliens and Vampires in The Sims 4 are capable of mindcontrolling other Sims, but never in such a way like this. SimGurus have said in the past to try to keep pack-specific features for that pack alone, to make the features more special and unique to each pack. SimGuru Lyndsay’s tweet about The Sims 4 Get to Work’s aliens confirms this:
I've heard rumors of aliens that came from a planet called Sixam but I haven't seen them around here myself. A tinfoil hat wearing friend told me to #GetToWork if I wanted to find out more about aliens.
— Lyndsay (@SimGuruLyndsay) February 19, 2019
So what is controlling Sims’ minds? PlantSims!! Here’s why: plants can be very poisonous and sometimes their poison can leave a mean rash or in worse cases they can even be fatal. If we take a look at DC Comics’ Poison Ivy, pheromones of plants are used to control other people to do her bidding. What if the new PlantSims are also capable of using these sort of pheromones on other Sims, making them go a little coo-coo?
The Mother fruit
Multiple SimGurus have been tweeting about the Mother Fruit. Whatever that means. But keyword here: fruit. They also tell others to “consume” the fruit and join them to know true peace. A bit cryptic, but it made me think of the PlantSim Challenge we had in April 2017.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) February 19, 2019
For this PlantSim Challenge Simmers could try to get their hands on six different Magic Beans. The Magic Bean that the PlantSims would give you depended on their mood, which is again a hint to Plants controlling behaviours in Sims. If you collected all six of the Magic Beans, you could then summon a Magical Tree and go in for some exploring. After returning from your exploration you could turn your Sim into a PlantSim by eating the Forbidden FRUIT of the PlantSim that popped up in your Sims’ inventory.
Water is Life
The next hint is a very obvious one for me, this was initially the tweet that convinced me that PlantSims are coming to The Sims 4. The quote “Water is love, Water is life” is vague at first, but as PlantSims’ needs are different from normal Sims, they actually have a “water need” to fulfill or they might start to feel a little uncomfortable.
ŴΔŦ€Ř IŞ ŁI₣€— Arnold Chow (@SimGuruChowder) February 19, 2019
In previous Sims games, PlantSims could drink water or take a shower to stay hydrated and happy! How cool would it be if the new PlantSims could actually spend some time outside in the rain to gain Water if you happen to have The Sims 4 Seasons? I’d love to see the integration of PlantSims in other packs like this. It would make them just that little more interesting.
No earbuds, but what about Plant Buds?!
SimGuru Graham randomly stated that he does not want free earbuds. Simmers who own The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff pack know exactly which annoying chat message he is referring to. However, I think there is more to his tweet than it seems.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) February 20, 2019
It might be a far reach, but what if he is actually talking about plant buds. You know, the little bulbs of a plant that sprout into a flower and later turn into the fruit of the plant, who knows the Fruit of a PlantSim?! Especially with the new screenshot taken from the official trailer of The Sims 4 StrangerVille, it does make sense that this tweet is about plant buds above anything else.

The sky welcomes all
Admittedly this one could have been a hint towards Aliens, but as these have been ruled out already I think it’s again a reference towards PlantSims. Here’s why. Plants grow towards the sky. From being a little bud, to a full grown plant, they grow upwards, usually towards the sun. The sky welcomes them into the world, so to speak.
— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) February 19, 2019
The Arboreal Mind
Okay, this one I had to google. Especially with English not being my native tongue this one was a bit tricky, but I’ve found out what Aboreal means. The definition is treelike, living amongst trees or adapted for living amongst trees. Hmmmmm. What could this be about. That’s right, about PLANTSIMS!
— Jill Johnson (@SimGuruJill) February 19, 2019
As the tweet of SimGuru Jill states, the Aboreal Mind dreams through our fleshy eyes. I think this is again referring to PlantSims mind controlling human Sims (made from flesh), maybe by controlling their dreams. Either way, it sounds creepy, but it’s again a HUGE hint towards PlantSims, and it gets me very excited!
Floral patterns in The Sims 4 Get Famous
The SimsGurus are well known for hinting towards later packs, in the packs prior to their release. I know this hint is not a very obvious one, but I think it’s a hint for PlantSims nonetheless. The Sims 4 Get Famous contains a high amount of items with floral patterns. But as floral patterns are pretty standard, I think this one is easy to go under the radar.
Other than that, there were some items with camo prints too, and as we’ve seen in some of the screenshots over on Twitter, there seems to be a return of a military influence in The Sims 4 as well, just look at some of the outfits. So this kind of proves that clothing might be giving away hints towards the upcoming Game Pack. So together with the camo in The Sims 4 Get Famous, I think it’s safe enough to say that the the floral patterns are in fact a hint towards PlantSims.
New clues from the Official The Sims 4 StrangerVille trailer
The official trailer for Game Pack #7 has been released and the title has been announced: The Sims 4 StrangerVille. Who else is getting some serious The Sims 2 Strangetown vibes? The names are so similar, that can’t be a coincidence. Back in The Sims 2, Strangetown was invested by Aliens. But as we already debunked the Alien theory in one of the clues mentioned above, I think that this time around PlantSims might be terrorizing the town!
As the trailer usually reveals a lot of clues, I went ahead and examined every shot for any possible hints! Here I managed to find quite some evidence of PlantSims being involved, so let’s go ahead and take a look at the screenshots!
Plants growing through the pipes on the suspicious vans
In this screenshot from the trailer, we see one of the characters stare at a surveillance van passing through townsquare. If you take a closer look at the logo on the side of the van, you can see plants growing out of the pipe. Once it made it out of the pipes, it’s “investing” the letters of the logo with its vines.
With the waterdrops displayed as well, I think it’s safe to assume these pipes were not meant for these plants at all. It looks more like a parasitic investation of the water system in StrangerVille, rather than the logo of an advanced gardening company.
Creepy “Alien plant thing” experimentation
Okay, the most obvious object in this screenshot is the hazmat suit. However, I would like to invite you to take a look elsewhere in the shot. Now, take a look at the red/pink objects on the table, the ones with the cables attached to them. I can’t say for sure what they are testing on, but that does not look normal! Or… human for that matter!
What the hell are they experimenting on? Are those PlantSim organs?! And why is it dangerous enough to need a hazmat suit?! Did PlantSims go nuclear?! I need to know!!
Barrels of Plant Toxic Waste
So this girl either really dislikes vegans, or she’s trying her best to fight something. Either way, she seems to fight it off using a leaf-blower with some goo in it. Or maybe it’s an ectoplasm gun? I can’t say for sure.
But what I can say for sure that these barrels contain something you shouldn’t mess with. Funny to see that the icons on the barrels are PLANTS. I swear, my PlantSim conspiracy is growing with every clue I find. StrangerVille has got to be about PlantSims, or at least be plant related! I just know it.
The Squid-Plant Shadow of Doom
This is one of the final moments of the official trailer from The Sims 4 StrangerVille. These Sims seem to be facing something scary! If you take a close look at the shadows, you can see some sort of tentacles moving about. It kind of looks like a giant piranha plant from the Nintendo’s Super Mario universe, mixed with an octopus… and a big one while we’re at it. Whatever it is, I’m happy it’s not me in that room!
Weird plants spawning everywhere
First thing you’ll notice in this very last shot of the trailer, is the giant tornado above the crater. Especially with the weird purple glow, it does not look very good for the citizens of StrangerVille. But next to the gigantic tornado, you can see a bunch of spots filling up the desert.
I am pretty sure these are the same plant buds as in the other screenshot from the trailer. If you look at the right bottom part of the screenshot, you can even see some of them grew into bigger plants! What if these are the new ways to harvest Forbidden Fruits of the PlantSim? How cool would that be!!
New Clues from the Official Assets of The Sims 4 StrangerVille
With the release of the trailer for The Sims 4 StrangerVille came all the fun new official assets of the Game Pack as well. I always enjoy these so much, as the screenshots give us Simmers an idea as to what to expect from the upcoming pack when it comes to gameplay as well as any new items.
Especially now that the mystery around the Game Pack continues, the assets are more interesting than ever!
Plant Scan mounted on the wall
This screenshot seems to be of some sort of lab. I love how you can see that the guy with the strainer on his head is searching for some information for his crazy conspiracy theories. Other than that I love the FLORAL shirt a lot, but it’s not the only floral print visible in the picture.
On the left side of the picture, you can see two screens mounted on the wall, one of which clearly has some sort of plant on it. Maybe this could be the lab where PlantSims were created?! You can see a classified file on the desk, so it would not surprise me if some creepy experiments took place in this very room!
Secret Agents are investigating too
If PlantSims really originate from some sort of lab, it would make sense if these experiments were super illegal. The fact that the feds are swarming around StrangerVille to examine the creepy plants would imply they either are trying to figure out who created PlantSims without permission OR they are trying to cover up their own tracks! Hmmmm… Either way, the plot thickens….
The Game Pack icon for The Sims 4 StrangerVille
Last but not least is the new logo icon for the pack. Well, if this doesn’t convince you The Sims 4 StrangerVille has anything to do with PlantSims, I am not sure what will. Especially taking in considiration our previous points about the shady experiments creating PlantSims in the first place.
Is it ethical? Probably not. But I am pretty sure that if PlantSims really are made in a lab like this, The Sims 4 will keep it light-hearted as they do with any other darker themes in the game. I mean, just take a look at all the creepy grins… I’m convinced The Sims 4 StrangerVille will give us a good laugh here and there.
Conclusion: PlantSims are attacking StrangerVille!
All in all I think it’s a fair conclusion that PlantSims are a very good possibility to become the next occult to permanently enter The Sims 4. Back in April 2017 during the PlantSim Challenge, PlantSims were very popular and the community really showed the enthousiasm for the species. I think the SimGurus noticed this and went along with it for future content as they really seem to value the feedback the Simming community gives them.
You can still become a PlantSim via cheats or via the Ice Cream Maker from Cool Kitchen Stuff, but this is only a temporary buff. How cool would it be to get a more in-depth version of PlantSims, but then as an actual lifestage such as Vampires? I really think that would be a great addition to The Sims 4.
Together with the new information from the trailer of The Sims 4 StrangerVille, I am pretty convinced PlantSims have something to do with the trouble StrangerVille is in. Maybe they originate from StrangerVille and are now looking for revenge?! Luckily the pack releases on February 26th, so I won’t have to wait much longer to find some answers!
So what do you think? Will PlantSims be the upcoming content for The Sims 4? Let me know your theories in the comment section below!
We already have plant sims came wih one off the challenges