Change Sim into a Mermaid, summon dolphins, trigger a cute turtle event, clean up the beach without lifting a finger and much more!
These cheats have all been tested and they are safe to use. You can find much more cheats from other packs on our main cheat code page.
Change Sim into a Mermaid with Cheats
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the cheats below. These cheats will turn your Sim into a mermaid. You can’t use them in Create A Sim so make sure you are in living mode when you enter them. You can also use the bb.ShowHiddenObjects cheat to get the Mermadic Kelp from buy mode.
Cheat Code | Result |
traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid | Change your Sim into a Mermaid/Merman |
traits.remove_trait trait_OccultMermaid | Change your Mermaid/Merman Sim back into a normal Sim |
traits.remove_trait trait_OccultMermaid_TYAE | Change your needs from Hydration back to Hygiene when turned back into a normal Sim with the cheat above |
traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid_MermaidForm | Triggers mermaid tail on land |
Level up in the Conservationist Career
Don’t want to put too much effort into being a conservationist? You can use these cheats to become a Marine Biologist or an Environmental Manager very fast. After you choose your branch you can stay using this cheat to give them promotions. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the cheats below.
Cheat Code | Result |
careers.add_career Conservationist | Add the conservationist career |
careers.promote Conservationist | Level up in the conservationist career |
careers.remove_career Conservationist | Remove the conservationist career |
Get promotions for Part Time Jobs
There are 3 new part time job in The Sims 4 Island Living. Diver, Fisherman and Lifeguard. You can only get promoted 3 times in these careers but you can use cheats to do so.
Cheat Code | Result |
careers.promote PartTime_Diver | Get promoted in the part time Diver career |
careers.promote PartTime_Fisherman | Get promoted in the part time Fisherman career |
careers.promote PartTime_Lifeguard | Get promoted in the part time Lifeguard career as an adult |
careers.promote Teen_Lifeguard | Get promoted in the part time Lifeguard career as a teen |
Island Living Trait Cheats
New reward trait and one hidden trait to give to your Sim.
Cheat Code | Result |
traits.equip_trait trait_BeachBum_LaidBack | Laid-Back Sims who are Laid-Back never become tense. |
traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_Elemental | Sulani Mana This Sim is imbued with Sulani’s elemental energy due to their heritage. They can increase the quality of plants as well as summon Volcanic Bombs. |
traits.equip_trait trait_NaturalSpeaker | Natural Speaker Sims that are Natural Speakers have been empowered by nature with instinctive charisma. Being friendly is second nature. These Sims find it easy to Enthuse and Spread Awareness of their cause to other Sims and find that their grant applications tend to get accepted. |
traits.equip_trait trait_FriendOfTheSea | Master of the Sea A Master of the Sea becomes friends with dolphins and mermaids faster, and can maneuver around the ocean much more easily. |
Give your Sim a Suntan
Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before using the cheats below.
Shift + click on your Sim and select Sunbathing options. You can now choose between
- Burnt
Give your Sim a burned color with the clothes they are wearing right now - Lock Tan/Burn
When your Sim has the perfect tan you can lock it when you select this option. - No Tan
This will remove your Sims’ tan - Tanned
Give your Sim the perfect tan with the clothes they are wearing right now
Summon a Shark
This will trigger a shark to swim by, your Sim has to be in deep ocean waters for it to work.
(requires mod to use)
Cheat Code | Result |
sims.add_buff buff_OceanSwimming_ReactionTrigger_SharkSighting | Triggers a Shark to swim by your Sim (50% chance) |

Clean up Sulani with Cheats
There are 3 stages of cleanliness in Sulani. Use these cheats to change between stages.
(requires mod to use)
Cheat Code | Result |
narrative.start_narrative narrative_IslandConservation_Stage_Starting | Stage 1 – Make your beach dirty and full of litter. |
narrative.start_narrative narrative_IslandConservation_Stage_Intermediate | Stage 2 – Cleaner but you can still find fishing nets and trash. |
narrative.start_narrative narrative_IslandConservation_Stage_Final | Stage 3 – Your beach is clean and you can see turtles, jellyfish and can even encounter an albino dolphin! |
Spawn Multiple Dolphins
This cheat will spawn dolphins! There’s a 25% chance that it will trigger a dolphin spawn. If you pause the game and you keep using it, you can summon a whole army of dolphins!
(requires mod to use)
Cheat Code | Result |
loot.apply_to_sim loot_Dolphins_Investigate_SpawnDolphin | Summon a Dolphin. (your Sim has to be in deep waters for it to work) |

Volcano eruption
This cheat only works when you’re on a lot with the lot trait “Volcanic Activity”.
Cheat Code | Result |
volcanic_eruption small | Small lava bombs fall out of the sky on your lot. |
volcanic_eruption large | Large lava bombs fall out of the sky on your lot. |
Start a Monsoon
This cheat will start a monsoon in your world. Hot rainy weather.
(requires mod to use and The Sims 4 Seasons)
Cheat Code | Result |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_Warm | Change the weather to a Monsoon |
Start Sulani Island Events
These events takes a few seconds to show up so be patient. Not every event takes place on the same location so read the description next to it to find the location.
(requires mod to use)
Cheat Code | Result |
drama.run_node islandEvents_Large_DramaNode_FishingCompetition | Starts the Fishing Competition Event in Ohan’ali Town (search for the fishing nets next to the docks in the water) |
drama.run_node islandEvents_Large_DramaNode_IslandCelebration | Starts the Island Celebration Event in Ohan’ali Town (next to the bar) |
drama.run_node islandEvents_Large_DramaNode_TurtleHatching | You’ll have to be on the island in Mua Pel’am next to the shipwreck. |
drama.run_node islandEvents_Small_DramaNode_BeachBonfire | Starts the Beach Bonfire Event in Ohan’ali Town (at the beach with shallow water) |
drama.run_node islandEvents_Small_DramaNode_FamilyFunDay | Starts the Family Fun Day Event in Ohan’ali Town (at the beach with shallow water) |
drama.run_node islandEvents_Small_DramaNode_FlowersAndMusic | Starts the Flower and Music Event in Ohan’ali Town (next to the bar) |
drama.run_node islandEvents_Small_DramaNode_TownBBQ | Starts the Town BBQ Event in Ohan’ali Town (next to the bar) |
drama.run_node islandEvents_Small_DramaNode_TownPotluck | Starts the Town BBQ Event in Ohan’ali Town (next to the bar) |

I want to thank my very good friend Dragonfreaky for finding the cheats!
The remove mermaid trait cheat does not work. I’m running an HP, windows 10 computer with all expansions installed. Testingcheats was on, no mods
It works fine for me. Easiest way to get rid of it then is eat 2 Mermadic Kelps in under 4 hours. (Find them in Build & Buy debug)
the remove mermaid cheat does not work for me either 🙁
The remove mermaid cheat did get rid of the mermaid skin but the UI still says Hydration rather than Hygiene so not sure it has worked properly.
Hi Okay so on my daily tasks it says to survey ocean wildlife but when I click on bouyo it say mermaids would never be caught snorkeling very taboo. So seriously how the hell am I suppose to survey ocean wildlife. !!! Please help. Me thank you
You need to find a deeper diving location (deep waters). One is near the secret cave.
i’ve downloaded the cheat mod but can’t seem to make sulani dirty again, any ideas? i’ve tried using the cheat listed