Casa Martina
House value: 226.454 Simoleons
Casa Martina build by SuperPogimon in The Sims 4 is the best home for a celebrity Sims. This house is also great for a family of 6 Sims because of the 3 bedrooms and the spacious layout of the house.
This house contains has a lot of luxury items like the piano in the music room, expensive decoration and a lot of object to learn some new skills to your Sims. In the backyard there is playground equipment for the children, garden planter boxes to grow your own Cowplants, and a grill to show off your cooking skills to your neighbors.
This lot contains:
- 3 bedrooms
- 3 bathrooms
- open kitchen with large dining table
- 2 living rooms
- children’s playroom
- music room
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#superpogimon #sexy #celebrity #sims4 #nocc
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