The Sims 4 News

Build in Arabian Elegance with the Courtyard Oasis Kit

Let me paint you a picture: It’s a lovely summer night, a soft breeze welcomes you in the courtyard where you’re surrounded by vibrant, colorful mosaic and beautiful archways. You hear the wind blowing softly in the leaves of your banana tree while the water is sprinkling playfully in the fountain. Ah yes, life is good. Lucky for you, you can now create this scene with The Sims 4 Courtyard Oasis Kit, available now!

Create your own Moroccan Paradise with Build & Buy

The focus of the Courtyard Oasis Kit lays with Build & Buy. The unique designs of the items are heavily inspired by Moroccan architecture, something we haven’t really seen in The Sims 4 before. Your Sims will instantly experience a true Arabian Night when you pop any of these charismatic items in their homes.

There are 29 items in total, divided over the Build & Buy catalogs. The furniture in Buy mode establishes a nice seating area in the courtyard, while the Build mode provides a (small) number of wallpapers, archways and other architectural details to really create your own piece of paradise.

The Courtyard Oasis Kit, a successful pack or a mirage?

I personally think the success of a Kit lies in how exclusive the content is compared to previous releases. The theme of Courtyard Oasis surely stands out from the crowd, which is a plus. Seeing more cultures represented in the game makes it feel more fulfilling and realistic. The Moroccan architecture really adds to the uniqueness of the Kit, making it a great purchase for Simmers who like to add more diversity.

The theme of the pack is worked out very well in the designs and forms some great one-of-a-kind content. There’s a good variety in objects as well, making it easy to create a whole courtyard in the same style without having the feeling something is lacking. The fountain is a great centerpiece, while the smaller items such as the teapot add the nice cultural details we are looking for in a Kit like this.

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