Over a thousand new debug items, new color swatches AND a Story Mode for Create-a-Sim… The latest patch might be the biggest one The Sims 4 base game has received in the past five years. Not everyone seems to be excited, so let’s see what this controversial patch is all about, shall we?
A complete makeover for The Sims 4
Nearing its 5th anniversary in September, Maxis has decided to give The Sims 4 a whole new look. The Sims 4 is the first game in the franchise to last this long as “the current game”, so a rebranding has not happened to any of the games before. You can check out the new boxart, logo and more in our article about the rebranding.
A lot of fans are not too happy with the new look, and to be fair, we can kind of see why. The plumbob in the logo will no longer resemble the in-game plumbob. Other than that the colors are just bright and oversaturated. The Sims 4 team already announced to be changing up the color for the loading screens due to health hazards… if that doesn’t say enough, I’m not sure what will!
The SimsTM 4 has evolved and grown so much over the past few years, and is healthier than ever. We’re very committed to this passionate community and to welcoming new players. So, we’re excited to announce that The Sims 4 is getting a facelift with new cover art, Sims and outfits, and a brand-new Plumbob. We want to approach our fifth anniversary with a fresh paint job and we cannot wait to show you what’s coming next. In-game updates will come… Read the official blog
CAS Story Mode & new color swatches
Create-a-Sim now has a more innovative way to add Sims to your households with the new Story Mode. You can let the game determine the personalities and aspirations for your Sims automatically by taking a quiz. Afterwards you’ll be able to change the gender, looks and age (ages Young Adult or older!) of your Sim, but their “Story” is set in stone.
Finish your Story Mode Sims with the new hairstyle, added in the basegame catalog for feminine Sims. Or why not pick from one of the pre-existing CAS items that received new color swatches? These new options are available for basegame, while the original colors remain unique to the DLC’s the items came with. However, one hairstyle from The Sims 4 Dine Out and one pair of skinny jeans from The Sims 4 City Living moved to the basegame entirely.

More than 1k new Debug items in Build & Buy
Builders are in luck with this patch! More experienced builders might be familiar with the Debug items that you can unlock via cheats. Well, hold on to your safety helmets, as another 1000+ environmental items have been unlocked for players to use in their builds! You read that right, more than a thousand new items are available in Build & Buy. If you want to know how to unlock these items, make sure to read our guide.
Watch our complete Update Overview of the July Patch!
Read the official Patch Notes
UPDATE: 7/16/2019 – PC / Mac
Welcome Simmers! We’ve got an unconventional update for you this month, with a bold new look for The Sims, and a brand new mode within Create a Sim. You can go on reading the details of what we’ve changed, but trust me — you’ll notice the differences the moment you start your game. After you’re done exploring the new main menu, be sure to give a Create a Sim Story a try… you may just find it to be a fun way to shake up your normal playstyle!
Create a Sim Stories
Is your Simming stuck in a creative rut? Try crafting a story within Create a Sim! By starting a new household, or adding a Sim to an existing household, you can take a fun quiz to determine your Sims personality and starting conditions. By creating a story your Sims will end up starting out with a career, various skills, and different levels of starting household funds! Of course, this is just an additional option that’s now available — you’ll still be able to also create Sims the same way you always have.
New Look
The Sims 4 has a new look! Now that we’re entering the fifth year of The Sims 4, and the twentieth year of The Sims, we wanted to continue to invest in The Sims 4 so that it remains fresh and relevant for years to come. You’ll quickly spot changes like a brand new cast of Sims, new intro videos, new loading screens, new cover art, and new pack icons. The main menu has received the most significant additions; not only does it show off our new style, but you’ll discover the ability to play trailers from our most recent packs, and access quick links to The Sims on your favorite social platforms.
New Customization Options
Our new cast of Sims has some fresh new clothing and accessories to wear, and you’ll find all of their new content within Create a Sim. Check out their group shot by clicking through the art on the main menu! The base game has received new tops, bottoms, accessories, hairstyles, and a hat. Players who own certain packs will receive new swatches on some of the clothing and accessories they already own from those packs.
New Cheat
We’ve added a new cheat to the game! Open the cheat console and type in “bb.showliveeditobjects” to enable the cheat. To disable it, type “bb.showliveeditobjects false”.
Enabling the cheat will unlock a new set of objects in Build Mode to decorate your lots with… rocks, trees, bushes, signs, and all sorts of environment objects. I lost count, but I think it’s somewhere around twelve-hundred new decorative objects. These objects are environment objects, which our artists use when creating worlds. As such they are not optimized for on lot use, so please be aware when using this cheat. The most obvious issue you may notice is that Sims will walk through these objects.
The Sims 4
- Resolved error code 134:ef7a88f2:b4565d86, which was preventing players from loading certain save files.
- I’d explain further, but really the error code is self explanatory.
- Ok, sorry – that was snarky. This recently introduced error occurred when attempting to load a game that was saved while one of the household Sims wasn’t currently instantiated on the active lot, and had away actions that they could perform.
- Fixed an issue where objects were getting stuck on toddler’s hands.
- The Sulani animation on the World Select screen will now display properly for players who do not own Island Living.
- Within the tutorial, your friendly roommate Alex will now successfully give your Sim a job once again.
- The main menu will now continue to display the pack art that you’ve selected until you decide to change to a different one.
- Fixed an issue where camera controls for rotating and zoom levels were behaving inconsistently when using a trackpad.
- Fixed an issue where Vampires were failing to route when directed to perform the Dark Meditation and Influence Emotions powers.
For some reason i did not get the full update, im in xbox and the oading screan starts fine but then brings back the old one, and i dont have the stoty mode and everyhting u siad, how can i fix it?
I recommend you contact EA’s helpdesk for this. They can provide you with more technical information than us.