Painting Skill in The Sims 4
Ideal Emotion: Inspired
The Painting Skill in The Sims 4 is required to get promoted in the Painting career. But your Sims can also do this as a hobby. When your Sims are painting in will increase there fun need. If your Sim is painting for a long time, take a break and socialize because painting is often a solitary activity. When you have a household of two Sims or more just place the easel around the television, computer or other activity object to avoid feeling solitary.
If you want to get started with this skill you can read a book about painting of buy an easel and start painting. When your Sims wants to paint on the easel they have to buy a canvas first. You can choose between different sizes canvas: A small canvas for 50 Simoleons, a medium canvas is 75 Simoleons and a large canvas will cost your Sims 100 Simoleons. Level up the skill and learn to create; Pop Art, Realism, Abstract, Surrealism and Impressionistic Art. If you have The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat there is an extra option to paint beautiful landscapes!
There is also an option to create emotional paintings. This option can be triggered if your Sims is feeling Flirty, Confident or Focused. See the Emotions and Moodlets Guide to see how to give your Sims these emotions. When you are done creating an emotional painting, put it on the wall so you can use this painting to put on an emotional aura.
Tip: If your Sim is very inspired it will be more likely to create a Masterpiece, these are worth a lot of money!
If you want to make serious money with the Painting Skill take the career as a painter, you will be able to sell your work to the Art Gallery for a lot more money than the other option ‘Sell to collector’.
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 2
- Discuss color theory with other Sims
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 3
- Create low skill Pop Art
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 4
- Create low skill Realism and Abstract paintings
- Create medium skill Classic paintings
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 5
- Create medium skill Pop Art paintings
- Create low skill Surrealism and Impressionistic paintings
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 6
- Create high skill Classic paintings
- Create medium skill Realism and Abstract paintings
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 7
- Create high skill Pop Art paintings
- Create medium skill Surrealism and Impressionistic paintings
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 8
- Create high skill Realism and Abstract paintings
- Describe Aesthetics in conversation with other Sims
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 9
- Create high skill Surrealism and Impressionistic paintings
Painting Skill Unlocks – Level 10
- Become a master artist and mentor other Sims in painting

Max Painting Skill – Cheat
Of course there is also a cheat to max your Sims Painting Skill. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C. Input the cheat code testingcheats true first. Use this cheat to max out your skill level. If you don’t want to max your skill level you can change the number 10 with the preferred skill level from 1 to 9.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10
You can visit the Cheat Code page for more skill level cheats.
thanks for guide.
This cheat did not work. I dont know if it’s because I have the Get To Work Pack, or what