Max out Retail Skills with Cheats
Hire Employees that already maxed out their Retail Skills! This will only work on your active Sim when using these cheats.
I wrote a little tutorial on how to hire your own created Employees to choose from. Or you can download the employees I created for you to download. You can also hire some famous celebrity’s with this trick to work at your store.
Max out your Employees Retail Skills with Cheats
- Create your employee(s) in Create a Sim and place him/her in the world
- Use the retail cheats below to max out their Retail Skills:
- stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic 5
- stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance 5
- stats.set_skill_level retail_sales 5
- Buy and click on the dresser to ‘Plan Outfits’ and save the household in your library
- Go to the option menu (ESC) and choose ‘Manage Worlds’
- Go to the gallery and place the employee(s) somewhere on an empty lot and go back to your real household.
- Go to your Retail Store and hire your new Perfect Employee(s)!
Hire pre-made Employees with Maxed Retail Skills in your store
If you want to hire fast employees, I created a download with 3 Sims Online Employees for you with their retail skills already maxed out. You can change them the way you like, they will keep the skills but looks different. You can even turn them into Grim Reapers for your store if you like. (Grim Reaper outfit comes with The Sims 4 Digital Deluxe upgrade)

Thanks you Elanor for finding them and thank you Rens ( for testing the download.
Bedankt !
I made a household and maxed their retail skills and went back to playing my other household, when I look for employee’s the people in the maxed out household never show up. Any way of making this happen?
I know this is a year late but what I did was max out all of my neighbors. It takes a lot of work for specific ones to show up
You are meant to save them to your library, then download them to an empty house.
This doesn’t work for me. 🙁 I followed the whole article and when I got to manage employees to hire the workers, they’re not there! I don’t know what to do. 🙁
Keep trying by clicking the register. They will show you random employees that are in the game.
How often do the employee hiring options change?
Can you show me the picture of the cheat steps ?
Same with Nikki, only random sims are showing to hire not the one I created 🙁
Thank you so much!!!
Any Cheats for the retail perks? That’s the new cheat I heard, so maybe there are? 🙂
no only a mod 🙂
This doesn’t work, Sorry
What part doesn’t work? Because I just tried it and it still works for me. Did you type in testingcheats true first?
Thank you so much for this 😀
Awwh… It didn’t work for me.. 🙁
I refreshed many times and it didn’t show up…
Can you show me the picture of the cheat steps ?
It work for me thank you. But I had a lot of problems to hire them. There was just the same sims. So, I go in the ”World” and deleted the sims that it were propose.
It work
I did this and my employees stats are completely maxed and they still just stand around talking and not ringing out customers. How useless.
I had my testing cheats on but I tried to enter the codes but they wont work?
some of them don’t if testing cheats on docent work trying using tesstingcheats true
How do you refresh your screen/game in order to get new employees come up? I have followed all the steps above to create fully maxed out sims, but they aren’t showing up. It’s always the same employees it and no change. I even went and friended the maxed out sims I created so when you click on hire someone you know you can choose one that way but that didn’t work either? HELP!
So I found a great tutorial to show you how to get rid of the old staff and put your maxed in staff but of course now none of them have the fully maxed skills like they were meant to have and it said they had on the notification wall. Even the 3 girls I downloaded maxed out all only have 1 bar each? what is happening?
Thanks!!! 😀
I already know this do plz don’t comment mine because I have maxed out all my sims skills and ? i got a random ghost in my house to live.?
I just hire random then fire and it cycles through
thx so much for the help it works great :3
It’s been 4 years, and people still haven’t figured an easier way?
Step 1: Make sure your employee is on active lot
Step 2: get his/her ID by Sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname}
Step 3: use same cheats for skills except followed by sim ID, like “stats.set_skill_level retail_sales 5 1234567890111213”