Train your pet to do tricks, run an obstacle course or train them not to misbehave.
Change pet’s behavior
Cat scratching the couch, climbing on counters, drinking from puddles are all bad behavior. You can learn your cats or dogs that it’s bad behavior to do so. When you something like this happen, click your pet and you can lecture them about their misbehavior.
While the change won’t be immediate you should see your pets misbehaving less after reprimanding them, and with enough reinforcement they will learn not to misbehave in such a way.
If you find it cute or amusing your pets climb on counters for example, you don’t have to lecture them about their behavior and they will continue to do so.

Potty train your dog
When a dog has to go potty he will walk to the front door and start whining about it. When you see this happen you can command them to go potty and they will walk outside to do so. If you repeat this a few times they will eventually go by themselves.

Acquire the Pet Training skill
Only a Sim can learn the training skill that will help dogs to learn tricks. This will help your Sim to train their pets faster. You can also unlock new tricks when you level up. If you aren’t very fond of leveling things you can also use a cheat.
Tip: If you want to train your pet training skill faster, add the lot trait Training Ground to your lot. Go into build mode, click on the house in the upper left corner and select the trait.
Level 1
- Teach your dog to Lie Down
- Teach your dog to Roll Over
- Teach your dog to Fetch
- Teach your dog to Sit
- Teach your dog to Speak
Level 2
- Teach your dog to Heel
- Teach your dog to Shake
- Teach your dog to Play Dead
Level 3
- Send your dog exploring
Level 4
- Show off Pet Tricks
- Command dog to Attack
Level 5
- Perform Tricks for passing Sims
- Teach tricks to dogs faster
Learn your dog tricks
Dogs can learn a few different tricks you can unlock with the Sim’s training skill. Each individual pet must learn these tricks to perform them.
When you reached level 4 of the Pet Training skill you can make your dog perform tricks for other Sims. You can earn some extra Simoleons this way.
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Explore and dig up treasures
When you reach level 3 in the Pet Training skill you can now send you dog out to explore pile of leaves, pile of fish and other locations in Brindleton Bay where you can dig up treasures. Your dogs will get messy when they are looking for treasures in those piles so make sure you wash them afterwards.
When your dog found a mystery box it will bring it back to one of the Sims in your household. It can contain a number of collectibles, small statues and many more objects. It also a good way to earn extra Simoleons.

Running the obstacle course
First you need to place at least 4 objects from the obstacle category like a tunnel, hoop or a platform. Click on one of the objects and choose to ‘Run Obstacle Course with…’ and select the preferred pet. You can either choose a dog or an cat to run the obstacle course with.
Earning a gold medal on a obstacle course depends on the Pet Training level of your Sim. When you reach level 5 of that skill it’s easy to get the gold medal.

SIms Online. Can you add a list of misbehaviours like peeing indoors, begging for food, eating human food, attacking sims etc?
I am not sure of all the misbehaviors yet, but the ones that I have encountered so far from my Sim’s cat are:
-Scratching furniture
-Jumping on counters
-Eatting people food
-Waking up sims (very annoying)
-Drinking from puddles
SIms Online. Can you add a list of misbehaviours like peeing indoors, begging for food, eating human food, attacking sims etc? It’s ok if you can’t. 🙂
SIms Online. Can you add a list of misbehaviours like peeing indoors, begging for food, eating human food, attacking sims etc? It’s ok if you can’t. 🙂 I also love the guide I normally play with dogs so it’s nice to know a few cat misbehaviours if I do end up playing with cats <3
[quote=SimsOnline]Cat scratching the couch, climbing on counters, drinking from puddles are all bad behavior. [/quote]
When I go through the steps of “run obstacle course with…” and they only do the obstacle I first clicked on and that’s it. How do I fix this?
I have several obsticles set up, but selecting “run course” only uses one. Is this a bug? How do I fix it?