Today we get to take a first glance into the Realm of Magic. Back in June The Sims 4 Realm of Magic was announced by SimGuruLyndsay during this years’ EA Play. It’s the 8th Game Pack for The Sims 4 and will be available on September 10, 2019. Let’s go through what we know so far.
Conjure up powerful witchcraft
Your Sims will be able to join in magical activities. Use cauldrons to create powerful potions and perform magical spells using your wand. The Build & Buy mode items look very magical as well. Just look at all these clutter items and stained glass windows! And do we spot some more kitchen counters too? Oh yes… yes we do.
Duel with other Sims
Hold duels with other witches and wizards and fight to see who is the strongest. Another cool note about this screenshot is that one Sim is using a wand, while the other is casting a spell without one, meaning your Sims will be able to use magic however you prefer. Voidcritters turn out to be real in the Realm of Magic, they can become your familiar.
Enter the Realm of Magic
Sims will be able to enter a magical realm via a portal in the new world Glimmerbrook. This means we are not getting one, but two new worlds to explore. This shot in particular seems to be showing a Sims equivalent of the Diagon Alley, with little stores to buy your reagents and more. Hop onto your broom and fly around in a world full of wonders.
Watch the official The Sims 4 Realm of Magic trailer!
Read the official blog about The Sims 4 Realm of Magic

Do you like magic? How about spellcasting? Competing with friends to find out who has mastered more tricks? Or, have you ever found yourself waving a magic wand, only to realize it doesn’t work the way you had hoped?
Simmer, have we got some news for you. More accurately, have we got some news for your Sims! This one has been a long time brewing, and we hope you’re entranced by… Read more
The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Official Assets
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