Presented by EA GameChangers. Requires The Sims 4 Dream Home Decorator DLC.
Time to put your building skills to the test and help your Sim advance in their career as they try to make it as an Interior Decorator. Ironically you’ll be the one putting in the work, while they schmooze the clients for a better Performance Rating. It’s more of a collab in their eyes… They do the talking, you do the building. Deal? Deal!
Having people skills and some artistic vision will lead to a bright future and possible recognition. You may start small with some simple home renovations, but eventually with enough hard work, bigger Clients and Building could get you the recognition you deserve!
Prepare for your job as an Interior Designer
Pick up the phone and choose the Interior Decorator career to get started. We have some tips and tricks for you to help make it easier to get promotions.
Level up the Charisma skill
Talk to other Sims or Pets, or if your Sim is Erratic talk to your surroundings. Use a mirror to Practise Speech.
Pick a helpful aspiration
As your Sim will need to use their smooth talking to get on their Clients good side, why not use the opportunity to work towards the Friends of the World aspiration?
Go to work with a positive emotion
Pick the right traits so your Sim gets a happy buff quite easily. Make sure your needs are almost maxed out or you can work from home.
Pick the right Traits
It’s helpful to pick the right traits for the job. This will boost the happiness of your Sim while working.
These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from career success, gain negative Moodlets from career failure and may become upset if not promoted.
These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from Friendly socialization, have their Social Need decay quickly and gain more negative Moodlets when their Social Need is low.
These Sims tend to be Confident.
Career Promotions
Being an Interior Decorator is an active career, meaning you will play as your Sim while they’re on the job. Now that you’re ready to get started it is time to look for gigs and work towards a promotion. Completing gigs positively will contribute towards getting promoted to the next level of the career. Each level of the career unlocks more types of gigs to choose from.
Use cheats to level up the Interior Decorator career
You can also use a cheat to give your Sim a promotion in the Interior Decorator career. Make sure the testingcheats true cheat is turned on and then enter the following:
careers.promote InteriorDecorator
1 – Interior Color Consultant
Your Sims’ dream of taking someone’s building and reimagining it in fun ways is starting to take shape. Every new home they enter is like a blank canvas, ready to be filled with new and interesting décor styles.
2 – Interior Design Technician
Crazy Colors, Wacky ideas, Clients have some strange requests. Good thing your Sim will take those requests and turn them into a reality. Although their career is still early, there is a lot of potential for creativity with new Clients.
- § 370 bonus
- Issues of Interior Design Magazines in the mail
3 – Space Manager
Your Sim is moving up in the world, so much that new opportunities are presenting themselves!
- § 485 bonus
- Two Overalls outfits in Create a Sim
4 – Decorating Consultant
With this promotion comes an increase in Simoleons and a little more respect in the world. Clients will listen to your ideas and not scoff, for a change!
- § 600 bonus
- Discuss Latest Trends interaction
5 – Building Space Planner
Your Sim is moving up in the world, so much that new opportunities are presenting themselves! They can now accept gigs from Commercial Venues. With Commercial Venues comes potentially higher pay and different types of tasks.
- § 765 bonus
- Patterns and Shapes – Modern Rug
6 – Home Organizer
Some bring happiness, others bring sadness… organize one’s life by your Sims’s three simple rules: 1. Is it safe? 2. Does it look cool 3. Will the Client like it? Words to live by.
- § 900 bonus
- Interior Designer Skirt in Create a Sim
7 – Home Decorator
You have made it! It’s official; the business card reads “Home Decorator” and with the title comes all the power to fix those sad, tiny living spaces.
- § 1.215 bonus
- Button-up Vest in Create a Sim
8 – Business Interior Designer
Your Sims has been officially recognized for the design vision and expertise in the business field. The pay is obviously pretty good, but so is the potential; more Clients and more recognition can help reach even higher than before.
- § 2.100 bonus
- Write Interior Decorator Article interaction
9 – Interior Designer
Whether it’s a home office or an office building or not an office at all, your Sim can decorate the brick out of it. The title says it all: “Interior Designer”. No other qualifier – they can do anything!
- § 2.500 bonus
- Suggest Bold Home Makeover Ideas interaction
10 – Certified Interior Designer
Your Sim is moving up in the world, so much that new opportunities are presenting themselves! They can now accept gigs from Commercial Venues. With Commercial Venues comes potentially higher pay and different types of tasks.
- § 3.150 bonus
- S.I.Mac P.R.O. Laptop

How to Sign Up for Gigs
When you first enter the Interior Decorator career your Sim will automatically join an agency to look for gigs. You can pick a gig for your Sim to do by opening the Career Interface, then click on the button which looks like a clipboard with a little checkmark on it. Each level of the career unlocks more types of gigs to choose from and some will open up depending on your Sims’ work performance and reputation.
Tip: Gigs will expire by the end of the day or when you finish them early. Thanks to this timeframe you can do one gig each day!
Finish your Tasks to Successfully Complete Gigs
After you’ve accepted a gig, you’ll get a list with tasks you need to complete. There is a deadline, so make sure to interview the client to discover their Likes & Dislikes so you can start building.
Visit the Client’s lot
Gigs will start at 9 in the morning and end at 9 in the evening. You can only visit the Client’s lot during gig hours. As soon as the start of the gig arrives, you’ll get a pop-up asking if you want to go to the Client’s lot. You can either go with your Sim or choose to send them by themselves.
Get to Know the Client
By being friendly towards your Client you will get the ability to ask them about their Likes & Dislikes. This will give you an idea of what they would want the renovation or addition to look like. Ask them about their favorite colors or about the style of décor they enjoy. By finding out about your Client’s preferences it will be easier to successfully complete the gig.
Tip: Only send your Clients away when you are done interviewing them. Now it’s time to get to work!
Take Before Photos
Time to take some before pictures! Click on either the floor, camera in your inventory or your phone to make a few shots. You’ll get to put the before & afters side by side later on, which is really fun to see. As the photos appear in your Sims’ inventory, you can keep the photos and create a portfolio for yourself.
Enter Build Mode and Make Renovations
After the Clients leave a new information panel will appear in the upper left corner of your screen. You can see things like budget, what Likes & Dislikes you discovered plus the restrictions and requirements of the gig. Enter Build Mode to start redecorating!
Tip: If you click on the Likes & Dislikes icons of the panel, it will show you the Build & Buy objects that will suit your Client.
It is important to stick within the budget of your Clients to keep them satisfied. Usually it is okay if you go a little over budget, but it’s best if you just don’t. Clear up some more money to work with by selling items that are on the lot that you’ll no longer need.
Take After Photos
Once you’re done building, you can make some pictures of the end result. Try to make the after photos in similar angles as you did with the before photos for that real Before & After shots effect!
Reveal Newly Decorated Space to the Client
Use the phone or click on your Sim to let the Client know they can return to the lot. This will open a window with the photos you took previously. Choose the pictures you want to reveal to your Client. The numbers on the pictures indicate which photos will be paired up in a little montage, so try to pair up the same angles of the room.
When you start the Reveal Event the Client will nervously walk back onto the lot in anticipation for the big reveal. Click on the Client and select the ‘Reveal Renovations to Client’ interaction. The montage of your selected Before & After photos will now be shown.
To help your Clients reach their final verdict you can Show Off Objects or schmooze with them some more to get on their good side. You’ll know when they’re done thinking about their decision once an icon shows up above their head. You can then ask for their final verdict. If there are more than one household member present, you’ll have to ask all of them.

Don’t get Fired from Gigs
If your Sim does questionable things while on the job, there is a chance they will get fired from the gig. So what are those questionable things that get you fired?
- Making use of their shower
- Prepare a meal at their house
- Stealing items (read: getting caught ;))
- Smelling bad from low Hygiene Need
- Performing Mischievous or Mean interactions
- Or even fighting with Clients
If you get fired or don’t finish the gig in time your Sim will lose Performance and you won’t get paid.
Improve your Reputation & Work Performance
The Career panel shows you two bars with a rating for reputation and performance. This tells you what kind Clients will offer you a job. Celebs & some Commercial Clients will only pop up when you have a good reputation. You can improve your reputation by talking to Clients, reading interior design books or writing articles about your job as an Interior Decorator. Completing a gig successfully will also help increase your reputation status, while failing lowers it.
Gaining a better performance rating is quite easy. Spend a good amount of your time being nice to your Clients, this will improve it. Sticking to the budget of your Client also helps. Even if you end up failing a gig, the performance bar might still go up if you were invested in your Clients socially.
Use cheats to increase (or lower) your Reputation & Performance
You can use cheats to change your reputation and performance values. These cheats require a mod for them to work, we highly recommend the All Cheats Mod by TwistedMexi.
stats.set_stat statistic_Career_InteriorDecorator_Reputation 100 | Increases your Reputation bar to full |
stats.set_stat statistic_Career_Performance 100 | Increases your Performance bar to full |
In order to see the results of the two cheats, you must first go through a loading screen. Visit another lot to get things loaded in properly.
So which Gigs are there?
Depending on the career level of your Sim, there are numerous different gigs for you to accept. But what if you’re kind of bad at decorating a kitchen, but you love to renovate a walk-in closet? That’s totally fine! You choose the gig that suits you best. As long as you finish the gig well you will work towards a promotion for your Sim.
There are four types of gigs: Renovations, Room Additions, Level Additions & Level Renovations. The Renovations will have you redecorate an existing part of the building, while the Additions will have you place an extra room or even a whole new floor. Eventually you’ll unlock the ability to work for Commercial Clients, giving you gigs at public venues.
Gigs | Minimum Pay | Minimum Career Level | Minimum Reputation | Room Renovation | § 540 | 1 | Poor | Bathroom Renovation | § 550 | 2 | Poor | Bedroom Renovation | § 600 | 2 | Poor | Kids Room Renovation | § 635 | 2 | Poor | Walk In Closet Renovation | § 600 | 2 | Poor | Level Renovation – Low Pay | § 800 | 3 | Poor | Kitchen Level Renovation | § 655 | 4 | Poor | Living Room Level Renovation | § 685 | 4 | Poor | Living Room & Kitchen Level Renovation | § 685 | 4 | Poor | Fabulous Living Room Renovation | § 1.900 | 5 | Poor | Room Addition | § 800 | 5 | Poor | Bathroom Addition | § 825 | 5 | Poor | In Law Unit Addition | § 770 | 5 | Poor | Nursery Addition | § 770 | 5 | Poor | Walk In Closet Addition | § 770 | 5 | Poor | Bar Renovation | § 935 | 5 | Poor | Café Renovation | § 935 | 5 | Good | Club Renovation | § 935 | 5 | Good | Gym Renovation | § 1.035 | 5 | Good | Library Renovation | § 935 | 5 | Good | Lounge Renovation | § 935 | 5 | Good | Vet Clinic Renovation (Requires Cats & Dogs) | § 935 | 5 | Good | Level Renovation – High Pay | § 14.000 | 6 | Poor | Photography Studio Addition | § 645 | 7 | Unkown | Arcade Addition | § 825 | 7 | Unkown | Pick a Room Addition | § 1.445 | 8 | Unknown | Level Addition | § 825 | 9 | Poor | Top Floor Family Room Level Addition | § 925 | 9 | Poor | Top Floor Office & Bathroom Addition | § 825 | 9 | Poor | Photography Studio Level Addition | § 825 | 9 | Poor | A Level for Him/Her | § 925 | 9 | Poor | Up and Comer Client Room Renovation (Requires Get Famous) | § 1.025 | 9 | Good | Celebrity Home Level Addition | § 1.125 | 9 | Excellent | Add a Level to this Home | § 25.000 | 10 | Poor | GOLDEN BOOKMARK WINNER | § 500 | Unkown | Unknown | Simucation Council Comission | § 500 | Unknown | Unknown |