The Scarecrow is a a very entertaining NPC that’s included in The Sims 4 Seasons. He comes in 3 different colors. You can even form a relationship with the Scarecrow. Discuss the Birds, Make Small Talk, Tell Harvest Jokes or you can Question the Ability the Actually Scare Crows.
If you bonded enough with your Scarecrow he will give you the Scarecrow outfit and a cool new straw hat for your Sims to wear or maybe he will come to life! If you want to see your progress of your friendship with Patchy you can just hover over him.

A maxed out friendship gives you a few other options that can be helpful with gardening. You can Check Pockets for Seeds ones a day or you can Ask for Gardening Tips that will give you a nice boost in your Gardening Skill. If you max out your friendship, Patchy will come to life around noon and maybe he will help you out with Gardening.
Patchy can come to Life!
When Patchy comes to life it can interact like a normal Sim, you can add him to your household and you can even WooHoo or marry the Scarecrow. If your Sim decided to have children with Patchy it won’t be any different than with a normal Sim. Patchy can only stay alive for 6 hours, if you add him to your household he can stay indefinitely. When the time has passed he will return to his branch.

If you add more Patchy’s on your lot it doesn’t give you any advantage other than decoration. Only one will come to life and if you checked the pockets of one patchy the interaction won’t come up on the other Patchy’s. Each Patchy has different traits.
Patchy the Straw Man
Patchy the Straw Man is made out of straw.
He doesn’t have hands Not even a paw.
But Patchy has patches and a big pumpkin hat.
Put Patchy near plants and they’ll grow just like that!
The crows all love Patchy, he’s a funny old rogue.
Why’s Patchy so scratchy? Because straw is in vogue.
Patchy’s Pocket
Cowplant Berry
Bonsai Shrub
6 MAGIC BEANS: Angry, Confident, Flirty, Playful, Uncomfortable & Sad
TREES: Avocado, Pear, Growfruit, Pomegranate, Cherry
BUSHES: Rose, Christmas Rose, Black Bean, Blackberry, Strawberry, Tomato
PLANT: Dragon Fruit, Orchid, Green Pea, Mushroom, Potato, Onion, Trash
FLOWER: Lily, Tulip, Snowdrop, Death
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