Rodents are only available if you own The Sims 4 My First Pet Stuff.
How to get your first Hamster, Hedgehog or Bubalus
Buy a Rodent Cage and place it on your lot. The type of cage will determine what rodent you can place in it. Click on the cage and choose the option to Purchase a Rodent for 300 Simoleons. You can only add one rodent per cage so if you want more of them you’ll have to buy more cages.
There are 4 different rodents to choose from:

How to take care of your new Rodent pet
These pets can’t take care of themselves so you have to refill their food, clean their cage and interact with them so they don’t feel lonely. You can play with your Rodent, talk to them or just observe them.
If you don’t want to take care of your pet anymore, you can release it in the wild. Just click on the cage and set it free. After you did that you can’t get it back.
Make your Rodent (almost) immortal
If you want to make your Hedgehog, Hamster, Rat or Bubalus stay with you forever, feed them an Anti-Aging Treat. You can get it when you click on their cage and feed it to them. They will not die of old-age but they can still die when you starve them to dead for example.

My pet is gone, where did he go?
Rodents have secret lives you’re Sim isn’t aware of. At night they can take the rocket from their workshop and take off to another world. When they get back they’ll bring postcards back with them for your Sim to collect. There’s even a chance they will set up a mining operation on an asteroid and they’ll send you back space rocks.
I don’t want my pet to leave their cage
If you don’t want to rodent to leave their cage you can feed it an IQ Limiter Treat. They will be regular rodents from now on.
Names for your Rodents in The Sims 4
List of Hamster names
- Munchkin
- Hammy
- Churro
- Hamlet
- Ham Solo
- Dedenne
- Dumpling
- Chewy
- Biscuit
- Ham-ham
- Toffee
List of Hedgehog names
- Nibbles
- Sonic
- Hedgy
- Pepper
- Peanut
- Fernando
- Gatsby
- Needles
- Pinball
- Shadow
- Shaymin
- Thorny
List of Rat names
- Cashew
- Mr. Whiskers
- Skittles
- Remy
- Templeton
- Wormtail
- Crumbs
- Ronnie
- Scabbers
- Oats
- Rattata
- Tofu
- Fondue
List of Bubalus names
- Bubba
- Einstein
- Tinkerbell
- Houdini
- Violet
- Lady Lilac
- Indigo
- Aubergine
- Sir Bubalus
- Curly
Did you come up with your own name you want to share? Reply in the comments below.
My hamster is Mr.Squiggles
I named my hamster Tylia pronounced like ty-li-a