Time to grab your incense, yoga mat and bathrobes once again.Spa Day – one of the earliest Game Packs for The Sims 4 – is getting a complete pack refresh. The new trailer premiered earlier today, followed by an official livestream by the SimGuru’s, showing off the updated content.
So what’s new?
To make the gameplay of The Sims 4 Spa Day a bit more exciting, the pack will receive a complete overhaul when it comes to gameplay features. Old ones are getting tweaked, while new features will be added as well. Next to that, there will be more options available in both CAS – such as aspirations – as well as Build & Buy.

Wellness for Young and Old
Kids can now participate in the Wellness Skill activities. This means they will be able to meditate and do yoga. Your Sim will be able to earn a bit of extra cash by teaching other Sims mindfulness activities. Sims ages teen and older can pick the new Zen Guru and Self-Care Specialist aspirations.

Refreshing Face Masks
Sims with the Inner Peace aspiration will be all about pure relaxation. Sims of all ages – even toddlers – will be able to use facemasks to gain all kinds of moodlets. Purchase the masks via the mini-fridge at the spa.

Getting your Nails done
While you’re at it, why not have somebody else care for you? Get your Sim a mani-pedi experience at the spa! You can also just put them on in CAS, but where’s the fun in that? The nails will be available for all ages.

Watch the New Trailer of the Spa Day Refresh
So what do you think of the new updates to the pack? Are you excited? Let us know!