I was so trilled when I got a phone call if I wanted to attend SimsCamp 2017 with many other great Simmers around the world. This is an amazing opportunity and I want to thank you all who have visited the website. I also want to thank everyone who participated in helping out with writing many great articles. Without you all this would never happened! You’re amazing.
If you want to receive fast updates when I’m in the USA attending SimsCamp you can follow me on Twitter or on Facebook
SimsCommunity made a list of the Simmers who will attend SimsCamp this year.
- DotSim (Polish)
- Fezet (French)
- L’universims (French)
- Sims Community
- Sims Online
- SimTimes (German)
Youtubers & Streamers
- 8BitDylan
- AGeekyChick
- Andrew Arcade
- Arsen Girl Gaming
- AviatorGaming
- Bokado Sims (Dutch)
- DefiFreakyBoo (Czech)
- Deligracy
- DutchSims4Master
- Gio (Dutch)
- Hatsy
- Iron Seagull
- Jessamica92
- Kaleidow
- KrystinMyrieXo
- lilsimsie
- Make2
- MeganPlays
- MoonLiteWolf
- Pixia (French)
- RaoTV (Brazil, Portuguese)
- RoryPlays
- SpringSims
- Steph0Sims
- The English Simmer
- The Girl Who Games
- The Sim Supply
- TouchGameplay
- Vixella
- Xmiramira
- XUrbanSimsX
- Xureila
- Zocker Mimi (German)